Friday, March 19, 2010

{2010 Word...}

Ok, yes I know it's March already and that New Year's resolutions are
started at the beginning of the year.
It's not so much that I am just now getting around to choosing a "resolution"
it's more like I am just getting around to posting it.  And getting something ready to put on the sidebar.
I've never really been into doing "resolutions"  but when I came across
the idea of a word for the year I really liked that.  So I took a moment
to think what might my word be... and  Expect is what first came to mind.
Expect... good things
Expect... to be able
Expect ... abudance
Expect...the life I am meant to live
Expect... things to work out


Kate said...

I love this. It's now being displayed as my desktop background! Thanks!

starseasons said...

What a lovely compliment. And a really good idea. I think I will do the same enjoy.