Below is the back label of the Be True Art Quilt.
As you can see from the pins on the binding I still need to do the hand stitching.
I've tried the "stitching in the ditch" method but it never looks all that great
on the back to me. And I have to go really slow on the front to get it perfect.
So I am ok with doing the hand stitching.
And the front.
I did choose to go more with the folded fabric shape for the dress.
I am so thrilled with being able to use one of my facing paintings on a quilt.
It's one of the many things I love about the Art Quilt. So much is possible.
I just need more time to create all of the ideas and images I have in my head just
waiting to become an art quilt, journal or some other piece. I still have many more face paintings ( I wish I had a better way to describe these paintings. Portrait paintings seem to formal and face paintings are not quite right either. ANYBODY have a better name)? Anyway, I digress.
Another quilt with a face will have to wait a bit. What I have in mind for the next quilt
is of a single flower. And it will not wait.
So before we get snowed in again I'm off to the quilt shop to check out some
fabric options.