You may remember when I got this window frame last year.
Since then I have played with different ways to use and display it.
My first decision was whether or not to put glass in it. I decided I would if I could find some "interesting" glass.
So off my sister and I went to a local glass shop. He had some textured glass that seem perfect.
So I added glass. The texture is subtle and difficult to see it the photo. But it looks old. And heavy.
for my most recent use of the frame I stitched a
Hafiz poem title using ribbon to add width to the lettering. I want the stitching to be large so the whole poem
was out of the question for this piece. Although the whole poem may show up at a later time.
the poem in it's entirety.
Who wrote all the music
Why is it now
that I come to you like a humble servant
willing to feed you brilliant words and love
from my own sacred mouth and hands,
willing to say, "I am sorry,
I am sorry for all your pain"?
It is because when God
fully revealed Himself in me.
I saw that it was Hafiz
who wrote all the music you have been playing.
I saw it was Hafiz
who wrote all your notes of sadness,
but also etched and gave you
every ecstatic wince of joy your face, body,
and heart has ever known.
Okay my dear,
you have stumbled enough in the earth's sweet dance,
you have paid all your dues
many times.
Now let's get down to the real reason
why we sit together and breathe
and begin the laughing, the divine laughing,
like great heroic women
and magnificent
strong men. ~ Hafiz